Sunday, October 23, 2011

On the Road to Dandi: An Update

                                                  The Grateful Dead - "Walkin' Blues"

      After walking 10 miles today,  I have reached 185 miles.  This leaves me 56 miles shy of walking the 241 miles representing Gandhi's march to the sea. My legs continue to feel strong, and I have been blessed with, for the most part, good weather. If my projections hold true, I should finish my quest during the first weekend of November. I plan to end this experience by walking my final miles so that I end up at the coast. I will then gather sea water and attempt to make my own salt.

                                                 Gathering Salt from the Arabian Sea


  1. Now that I have read further into your blog I see that you are indeed taking longer walks, I think this is excellent. As someone who has no vehicle and walks a few miles a day between buses, I'm beginning to feel this is not enough. Your trek has inspired me to increase my physical activity.

    Also that last bit about the salt sounds really cool, be sure to update us as to how well it works.

  2. I have to agree with Lars on this. This Blog is truly inspiring. I honesty would love to walk 10 miles a day if I had time. I used to ride my bike everywhere, and walk; unfortunately, I got a car, and now all I want to do is waste gas, for walking became to hard or either that I’m just lazy.
    But this article pushes me to get back on my feet, or bike. I used to ride my bike to work everyday, and I felt truly accomplished after that 1-hour bike ride, but that 1-hour bike ride turned into a 20 min car drive. I also felt proud of myself, especially when I rode that bike to work in the rain, it made me look tough. Let us know how it’s going.

